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Shot In The Night - Saphir~ 본문

음악,영화/추억의 708090 pop댄스

Shot In The Night - Saphir~

dhgfykl; 2008. 12. 25. 23:34

Saphir - Shot In The Night  
Here we are in a room full of smoke
and sweet perfume
Just two faces only lit by neonsign
All I Know is your name,

but I don't know how we came
Jack Daniel's brought us
to the frame of mind
You were young, you were proud,
you were smart, you were pretty
And I'm a moonlight band it as you see
But my game is your fun,
you're daughter of the gun
I guess you know exactly
what you're doing to me
Shot in the night,
she was a brown eyed sweet popato

Shot in the night,
well her gifts, it would please you
Shot in the night,
I never realized the punch she threw at me
Shot in the night,
every system was just loaded
Shot in the night,
and I was hit when she exploded

Shot in the night,
closing my eyes I fell
and sank beneath the sea
That shot in the night
You're a girl,
I'm a man do you really understand
That the moves you make
just take my breath away

But I know on my own,
loved and live and love alone
You're too young for me
no matter what you say
I should try to forget
but I can't keep my distance
Though sometimes giving up is hard to do
One more touch lets me down
my intentions all around
I don't know what I do
I'm falling in love with you
Shot in the night,
she was a brown eyed sweet popato
Shot in the night,
well her gifts, it would please you
Shot in the night,
I never realized the punch she threw at me
Shot in the night,
every system was just loaded
Shot in the night,
and I was hit when she exploded
Shot in the night,
closing my eyes I fell
and sank beneath the sea
That shot in the night
Shot in the night,
Shot in the night,

You were young, you were proud,
you were smart, you were pretty
And I'm a moonlight band it as you see
But my game is your fun,
you're daughter of the gun
I guess you know exactly
what you're doing to me
Shot in the night,
she was a brown eyed sweet popato
Shot in the night,
well her gifts, it would please  you  

Shot in the night,
I never realized the punch she threw at me
Shot in the night,
every system was just loaded

Shot in the night,
and I was hit when she exploded
Shot in the night,
closing my eyes I fell
and sank beneath the sea
That shot in the night
she was a brown eyed sweet popato
Shot in the night,
well her gifts, it would please you
Shot in the night,
I never realized the punch she threw at me
Shot in the night,
every system was just loaded
Shot in the night,
and I was hit when she exploded
Shot in the night,
closing my eyes I fell
and sank beneath the sea
That shot in the night
she was a brown eyed sweet popato
Shot in the night,
well her gifts, it would please you
Shot in the night,

80년대 유로댄스뮤직을 좀 접했던 분들이라면그냥 듣기에도 이것은 유로 댄스 뮤직이라기 보다는
팝 댄스에 가까운 음악인데도 당시 분위기가 유로 댄스 뮤직이
수를 놓을때인점을 감안하여 그러한 장르의 이름으로 포장되어 국내에
알려지는것이 많았다. 이러한 부분은 국내뿐 아니라 외국에서도 마찮가지 일것이다.
런던보이스의 음악이 이탈로로 취급을 받거나 혹은 오늘 소개하는 이 3인조 남성그룹도
이탈로라고 보는 좀 심하다 싶은 해석도 나오는 것이 외국에도 물론 있다. 하지만
그들의 음악을 댄스뮤직으로 보자면 아마도 좀 다르게 불러야 하지 않을까.

이들은 1985년 이 [Shot In The Night]를 발표해서큰 인기를 얻게 되고 전 유럽권에서
그리고 미국에서도 알려진 그룹이기도 하다. 이후 이들은 몇곡의 싱글커트된 노래들을 히트시키면서
댄스뮤직 팬뿐만 아니라 팝 팬들에게도 인상을 남겼다. 같은해 [I Feel Good I Feel Fine]
이곡을 발표해 인기를 얻었고 이어 국내팬에게도 잘 알려진 노래인 [I Am Alive]를 86년에
발표하고 연이어 [Witch Queen Of New Orleans], [Storms Of Love]등을 발표해서 인기팀으로
확실히 자리매김을 했고 이런 인기를 바탕으로 86년 앨범 [Perfect Combination]을 발표하게 됐다.

그러나 이들의 차후작은 멤버간의 변동과 이로인해 앨범 발표가 늦어지면서 이후 싱글 몇장을 내고
사라졌다고 전해진다. 그들의 노래는 댄스뮤직으로 굳이 놓고 보자면 드럼과 키보드 기타 그리고
보컬을 이룬 그룹사운드의 전형이므로 확실히 사운드 적인 측면에서 보다 생생하고 록적인
비트감이 살아있는 노래들을 발표했던 것이다. 이런 이유로 70년대 부터 록적인 비트감에
익숙해진 국내의 많은 댄스뮤직 팬들에게는 쉽게 어필할 곡들이 많았으며
이런 흥겨운 곡들 말고도 발라드한 노래들도 상당수 있다.